AND completely removing the MAYBE’s
1) The needs analysis and Discovery starting point – Problem, pain and hurt excavation and be able to anchor this with a Agreement on Needs Statement
2) The Agreement on Needs Statement — ” Great so as I understand it , what you’re really looking for is a way to _______________and _________________and _________________
Is that sort of an accurate snapshot of what you want ?
3) Diffuse the pressure, build trust & gain agreement — Say your version of this Thanks for sharing that information, I wanted to take a few steps back here if could , and I don’t want to make any assumptions at this point that there could be a good fit or match with our services and / one products at all —
What I wanted to ask is a big favor …
See over here at our company we have a policy where we are forbidden to chase and hunt down customers for a decision and I want to show you the demo now and ask you this
Dozens of other companies in your peer group have loved this and when we show you the demo and you are completely thrilled and delighted with our solution –you can tell me YES you like it and want to move forward
On the other hand , if after we show you the demo and you feel it would not be a fit or match for what you’re looking for– you can say NO
Would you be cool with just giving me a YES or NO at the end of demo today –Not the usual –That’s great or Send me a proposal or I have talk with my partner — Would you be comfortable with that ?
4) Getting to YES – Using F.B.R.— This is called a ” Hurt and Rescue” technique ( feature , benefit , reaction ) techniques in the solution stage — When showing a feature , turn it into a benefit and then ask a reaction based question to see how important this benefit is to them
By asking questions like these it draws out the implication of the problem , the prospect gets to feel the pain of wanting something that they don’t have right now, that they really want –Great motivation and attraction builds up. This drives them towards your products and gets them into a state where the target is experiencing “results in advance ” and wanting the products before you have even asked any closing questions.
Very cool scenario… of hurt & rescue, where they either rescue themselves– or ask you to rescue them
— How easy is it to do 4,000 multi-part samples per week , if that happened ?
— How much does it cost you when 2- 3 technicians are bottle-necked doing repetitive pi-petting and could be doing other more strategic work and analysis?
— What if you found a solution to –streamline this function , have it automated and remove 56 hours a month of tedious ,mistake ridden ,laborious, not liked work ?
Here are some great examples of ‘Reaction Based’ questions to gain explicit needs going into the CLOSE
— How would that help your lab ?
— In your opinion , if you found a solution to _________________________________________________?
— How would that help remove some of the challenges you’ve been experiencing___________________ ?
— In your opinion how much better would this process be using a ALERT , than doing things manually
— How much time do think this would save your lab per day , per week , per month , per year?
— How would it help if you could … ______________________________________ ?
— Why is it important to be able to _______________________________________?
— Earlier you said that 2 technicians are spending 14 hours per week doing manual pi- petting , they are being paid $ 25 per hour , if that manual , laborious work could be removed and they could do other more strategic tasks and functions –
— How much time would this save your lab per month ( 14 hours a week X 4 weeks X $ 25 per hour = the savings )
— What do you see as the biggest benefit this feature would give your lab ?
— What do you see as the impact of this ?
— Is there any other way that this could help you ?
5) Summary Close and Gaining a Commitment
Summarizing all of the gained upon Explicit Needs that were discussed in the presentation
Say stuff like – ” Earlier you mentioned that you were looking for a way to ____________________________ and ____________
–We agreed that you liked _________ feature and that it would _____benefit______ and offer ______benefit________
-In addition – you said that you were looking for a way to ___________ and __________ …. We agreed , when we demoted the solution to youthat it would ; Save you $ 50,000.00 per year — 56 hours a month — 672 hours per year AX 3 technicians = $ 50,400.00 per year in lost productivity of your technicians
( Over 3 years this would automate 155,0000 pi-petting and save your organization $ 150,000.00 in wages and operation costs )
— We agreed also that you liked ___________________ ?
–So to summarize initially you were looking for a way to _________________________
and to ___________________
— We have shown you how you can solve these critical business issues and gain the ideal outcomes you’re looking for …
For the the Versa 2 series the investment is … which includes ___________________________________________
Act of commitment
If we can show you how we can ;
— Increase you Throughput and remove the tedious, laborious and un-accurate repetitive pi-petting and liquid handling
— Freeing up 35% of your technicians month to do other more productive tasks and functions , about 56 hours per month
— At the same time , automate your cumbersome liquid handling tasks and
— Gain improved accuracy and remove any possibilities of litigation or liabilities
— And show you how you can have this paid for in less than 9 months ….
Can you think of any reason why we shouldn’t get started, so your facility can gain these benefits ?
Poof …you have gained a commitment on the first call and removed the ‘Constipated Sales Funnel ‘of prospects and accounts that never close or take wayyyyy to long to close .