We want to engage in a demo with them and show them . PERIOD .
murray warren bowen island discussing — Student-protector.com and our new incident manager system , Find it , save it , share it instantly
We do care what they are using , haw long they have had their cameras and if they are happy and satisfied
BUT –WE CARE MORE about showing our unique differentiators and the new technology we are exclusively bringing out .,.
They care ( the fleet mangers and transportation Directors ) about this and these type of guys do ” keep their ear to the ground on new techno , they are always on the ‘Look-out’ for new ideas , Trends and Options that will make their life easier , reduce costs, eliminate liability / litigation and increase the efficiencies
So what does this mean — if they answer the phone and you can engage in a conversation with them , and they are not interrupting you –they are interested –What-ever the concerns they have —Just BOOK a DEMO
I always think one thing — ” In spite of any concerns that they have .. is there way more value here in exploring this , than they presently think ?
— It’s almost like who cares if they are happy with they are using , it’s conditioned response when they say this 99% of the time
Here is a great Break-Open statement that you can customize for your calling when they say
” We’re happy with what we got “
1) Agree with him
That’s not a problem at all or You’re absolutely right — You have your cameras on your buses or you don’t use cameras / video on your buses — and you’re fine what you have right now .. ( whatever they say , just repeat it and feed it back to them )
That’s totally cool,
2) Group them together with all of the other Fleet managers and Directors of transportation that said the same thing initially
” As I said earlier we have been serving the bus transportation market for 10 years and have over 70,000 mobile applications installed — And when we met many Fleet managers and Directors of transportation I would say 85% of them initially said the same thing , that they were happy with their present set-up ..
So I totally know where you’re coming from..
3) Seduce and Entice them with new and better results / benefits and advantages
” Many of the Fleet Managers I talk with are OPEN to getting some new ideas, and feel it’s important to stay ” Ahead of the curve , the and Risks in this area as well as keeping their ear to the ground on new technology regarding digital video surveillance solutions for their bus fleet to provide better protection for the children ..
I’m sure that’s the same for you ….
I’m sure you subscribe to the same world-view and perspective..
So many of the fleet managers we talk with tell
me that
–> They use Video in their buses but it’s older technology , Outdated antiquated stuff
–> They would really like to upgrade what they have — they just don’t have the budget for this
è     They have Analog systems , Older digital systems –even some still use VHS in their bus fleet
–> They are very interested in new ideas to control =the rampant Stop Arm Violations that are going on in their state and endangering lives of kids
–> In addition , they would like to explore a way to analyze, manage and control their incidents that go on —easier faster and better — our new Incident manger —Find it, save it , share it –does this instantly for you
” I do respect that you’re satisfied with what you’re using — I was just wondering if you might be OPEN to some new IDEAS or options to keep you up to date and Ahead of the curve in what’s going on in the industry –– So when you get new buses or in case a need arises in the future, you will have all of this critical information —
We know you’re very busy and time is scarce –that’s why we have created this 15 minute On-Line web based demo that will show you the latest trends , risks and technologies that are out there , that many of your peer group is checking–It’s purely an exploratory call, with no commitment or obligation at all — It’s right over the Internet ..
I’m sure you guys have high speed internet over there , don’t you ? –( they always say yes to this )
Would you have 15 minutes this week or next to just show you what Gatekeeper can deliver , no strings attached, if you don’t want anything , no worries