Hot Tips on How to Wrap it Up & Book
The Meeting with Any Top Decision
Here it is March 2020 … going into the 2nd Quarter of the Game , 3 months
into 2020
Are you Deeply Satisfied and Content with the Sales Performance and Sales Revenues so far ?….
As B2B marketers we know that we have to create a HUGE Sales Pipeline
to sell into
We know that we have to have Conversations with top decision makers in
our most desired niches …
And turn those Conversations into Booked Meetings
We also know that that there are Multiple Touches On Multiple different
Platforms we can use to Connect, have a Conversation and BOOK MEETINGS
But… we also know that Cold Approach E-mail, Social and LinkedIn are
GREAT Options to Connect –BUT, we need to get these People on the Phone for a conversations to Book High Level meetings
Nothing is better than the PHONE … to book meetings
These are the Typical, Average Touches that Professional sales people do….
What I see and witness all the time is that sales People send out a Lot of Emails,
Hoping for Blow ins . Sales people send out a lot of Linked in Connections
Invites, Hoping for the target to accept
However they struggle over the “Phone” with nailing down
the “ 1st Meeting new Client Booked Introduction”
When they finally connect with a prospect after they have done , 17
touch points …and the Target finally says :
The sales professional launches into their Opening statement and then the
prospect says —
“ We’re not interested”
“We’re using ABC Company”
“We have no needs”
“ We do that in-House”
Or the all-time Crowd favorite
“Send me some Info”
And then the sales professional crumbles like a ‘House of cards”
You must learn this ….
“ It’s socially acceptable for the
Prospects not
to tell you the truth”
So here’s the scenario, you have called your target 8 X , emailed him 2 X
and on your 9th attempt , he picks up the phone and says “ Hello”
You go through your Pitch , he seems interested and then says
“Cut Them Off at the Pass”
If you are getting send me information all the time and you are challenged
with just –Booking the DEMO
Try this tactic
Squash the send me some information line
- The idea is to grab the objection out of their brain before they say it
This is called a Pre-frame. If you know what the person is going to say before
they say it . And if it’s going to be negative, an objection or some push back.
Rather than wait …and see if the prospect doesn’t give you an objection
The idea us to block and counter punch known objections before
they come up .
When a prospect Objects or says “Send Me Info “and you now have to turn
them around from a “Send me Info” to Book the Meeting
That’s very manipulative.
Or worse , it took you 7 calls, you sent 4 emails , you did 2 –
3 X Linkedin invites . You finally get through and the target says
“ Send me info “
Now you’re going to have to –Send Info and then do 17 Touches to connect
with them again, that could take another 2 weeks . You got them on the
.. Just Book the MEETING NOW with them
Pre-Frame the Objection Up-front ;
Anticipation and Preparation : is everything
The prospect is going to say “ They are not Interested
The prospect is going to say “ Send me Info “
Anticipate this
Know this
They are going to do this
So Be Prepared and Anticipate this …!!
Don’t send Info , it’s a waste of time and they are probably
bull-shitting you — that they are interested in the first place. They
are just being polite .
Book the meeting, If they are interested they will take a 5 minute
Discovery Call or a 10 minute Executive Web Briefing
Non-committal and Avoidance , NEXT –> catch the next wave.
If they won’t …let them go…
Cut Them Off at the Pass ( Pull the send me info line out of their brain
before they say it ….)
What this statement implies is : the Conditioned Mind-set of your target
account will win them over 100% of the time
Who-ever “ Owns the FRAME wins the Game”
You’re 75% – 80% of the way through your Pitch and the
This is Everything …
You Don’t ask if they are interested or Isn’t this Great >>?
You just keep moving forward and Flow right into this Phrase
Say something like this …
” Typically at this point almost all of our clients –ask us to send something over
to them by email – . And we most likely can and we will do that…
But what we’ve heard so often from our clients telling us is that they need
information that is tailor-made and specific to their exact circumstances,
they just don’t want generic information sent to them, this is new to you and
most likely you’ll have a few questions that need answers )
….. I’m sure that’s the same for you
Every time we send over generic information that’s not Tailor-made or
SPECIFIC it kind of shoots us in the foot & doesn’t do anybody any good
- We meet with our clients 2 different ways –—We can have one of our
subject matter experts pop by with some Pdf’s , Pricing and some samples show
you these new innovative ways you can …that are reaching a tipping point
right now
— It would be a brief 10 minute exploratory meeting with no commitment or
obligation at all
—- It’s purely a learning, exploratory session
- Should your schedule doesn’t permit we could schedule just
a five-minute Discovery call with one of our subject matter
expert’s over the phone in the next week , how about Tuesday
@ 10:30 or Wednesday @ 2:00 ?– All we’ll need is maybe five minutes ?– They can have a quick
conversation , find out specifically what you’re looking for & then
send over the appropriate tailor made information for
you …. (makes sense )
Which would you prefer ?
Another version
Say something like this …
” Oh awesome, it seems like you’re kind of interested and Open to some new
ideas or options in this area in the future….
“ Typically at this stage most clients want us to send them over some information
at this point
What we have found by our clients telling us is that , they get about 160 e-mails per day, they’re super busy at their E-mail in-box– and if we send over generic information that’s not tailor-made to their exact specific needs and circumstances , it’s going to bring up questions .. Those questions needs some answers and if we’re not there to answer them.. it kinda shoots us in the foot”
I know you’re busy and respect your time. We’ve prepared a 10 minute
Multi-media , really visual Executive Web Briefing,
it’s right over the Internet –that will quickly determine if our solution will be of value
to you. I guarantee this will be time well spent
– IT will present the key features, a tour of the Best Practices that other companies are implementing and a Visual on the ROI and the payback …. –
(See how you refresh all of the benefits they will get at the meeting, making this so enticing…)
We would love to show you this to see you to see what resonates with you and get your professional opinion and insight on our value proposition …
How does your calendar look for this week or next?
- I have a few time slots open this week on Thursday or alternatively we could do next Tuesday at 10:30 – which of those would fit better for you busy schedule?If you’re too busyand your schedule does not permit ..How about a 5 Minute Discovery call with one of our Experts , — They can have a quick conversation , find out specifically what you’re looking for & then send over the appropriate tailor made information for you (makes sense– Now they are choosing between a 10 minute web demo or a 5 min
discovery call – Not interested is not in the picture )
“ I think it would be a good idea to go through a 10 minute executive web briefing,
it will show you exactly how our solution will enable your company to ;
— Benefit 1
— Benefit 2
— Benefit 3
Brag and Boast about known objections and concerns Up-Front
If they are thinking about an objection the target cannot be relaxed or
subjective about anything, you need to get them to shift their focus –
Here are some Fresh, new Great Angles to BOOK 300% MORE
Meetings with High Value accounts
Sprinkle your ‘Sales Intelligence’ & Research into your
20 second opener …
In talking with members of your team, I learned about your initiative to
improve, do this or that
In talking with members of your team I learned about your initiative to
improve customer retention. I’ve also emailed and reached out to multiple people
in your company to really understand your goals and challenges and I understand that ___P1_______ and _____P2_______are not where you would like, and that
you’ve identified a few root causes such as
In talking with members of your team, I learned about your initiative to
improve customer retention, and I believe that our new solution could be a
great fit for your organization
“ Hi Mr Prospect , I’m with _________ and I understand from talking with________
and ______ and reading a press release on your web site that you’re in the
process of , have a target or goal of , one of your initiatives or objectives are …
We’ve worked with a number of other firms in similar situations helping
them to ( MONSTER BENEFIT and Price-less answer they’re looking for )I’d like
to ask a few quick questions to understand your circumstances to see if I could
provide some relevant information” ( who could say no to that )
Permission Based Cold Calling 2.0 Opening Statement templates :
I just got off the phone with a conversation with _____ around some Gaps in
the way they ________ , and your name came up as more of the resident expert in this area
Did I catch you at an OK time ?
I was just on Linked-in and noticed that we have a couple mutual friends
there ________ and _________ ,
Did I catch you at a good time , can you talk for 2 minutes ?
Hope I’m not interrupting anything too important, can you talk for 120 seconds ?
Opening statements
Hey the reason for the call is we recently helped __abc co____to _____B1___ and
remove problem ________. And I was just reading a press release on your web site
that you’re in the process of _________ ,
— Have a target or goal of ________?
— One of your initiatives or objectives are …And I wanted to see if this may
be of some help as well to your company
And we’ve just finished working with 5 similar customers that were going
down the same road : we’ve helped them do this 3X faster , avoid all the
mistakes and holes in the road and get 4 X Better Results
If you’re not too busy can you give me just 120 seconds on the
phone here to see if there could be a fit or if you’re busy can
I get five minutes on the calendar later this week or next week !
____( very chill statement )_
Hey John it’s ___________ calling with __________ the reason for my call is
that I saw that you’re planning to ( Big trigger event, initiative,
objective , press release )
I have to imagine you’re concerned about having a plan that will be __huge
Result ___
Our company has a lot of experience building and designing projects exactly
like ….. such as ________ and _________ and I’ve seen a lot of blowups
and train wrecks along the way but mostly under whelming and under performing
I have a few ideas that have really helped a number of similar companies,
( name drop 1, 2 , 3 ) this could help you possibly to avoid some common disconnects and problems and holes in the road in the future …
Can I ask just a couple quick questions?
Right after your opening statement , say this :
( about 20 seconds ) Chill Them Down
“ And hey … I know I’m calling you out of the Blue and catching you off guard , from
the information I’ve researched off your website & LinkedIn profile , there might
be a possible in the future when needs become apparent, since we’ve
worked with many similar companies as yours — , this is purely an exploratory call
“ And hey , just to take a step back, I’m not here to sell your anything
right now… from the information I’ve researched off your website & LinkedIn
profile , there might be a possible fit in the future, when needs become
apparent, since we’ve worked with many similar companies as yours
Working with your peer group we discovered ___P1___ and __P2__, which Led
to issue 3 and issue 5
We’ve have a proven solution to deliver — __ B1_and __B2__and ultimately
monster benefit B3
I’m just looking to get your insight/ opinion and feedback on what we’ve
created for your per group/ industry / vertical ”
We wanted you to take a look at it and get your opinion insight & feedback
on what we’ve created and see what resonates with you –— to see if it’s
something you could use down the line in the future ..( great Line to book meeting)
Referrals and Name Drops are the key to an Attention getting
20 second Opener…
“it’s not how much you know, it’s who you know in their company”
ICR –Internal Credible Referral’s gives you Power
Murray’s 3 Step — Permission Based Referral to the
Decision Maker method :
“You have to go Low to Get High” …
Find Sponsors & Champions”

We’ve literally almost wrote the book on Outbound Sales Development
–– 400 Companies
— 49 industries
— 238 High Tech companies
We provide a complete Done-for-you Solution including :
One Outbound Hunter ‘Specialist’ can produce 25 – 50 Qualified Meetings,
Presentations and Appointments for your Sales team to sell into :
— Locating Top Flight Outbound Sales Development experts
— Irresistible Talk Track, script design & Sales Playbook development
— Perfect Customer Profile List development hacks and tools to use
— Coaching and Live Cold Calling training using our famous ‘Speaker
Phone 3 way technique
— One call Close Pitch Deck & Written Deck Web Demo design
Call me on my cell # anytime 604-307-2431
Thanks so much,
Murray Warren
604-307-2431 –cell
PS – We 100% work on a Performance and value basis
Here are some Live B2B Cold Appointment setting calls in
The Digital Marketing / App/ Agency Space to listen to :
Audio Player
Click to hear Live Audio call
-Calling for Web Site Design , Social Media , SEO
Click to hear Live Audio call
–-Tech start up -heat Tracking / Digital Google analytics prod
Click to hear Live Audio call
Tech start up Heat Tracking call
Click to hear Live Audio call
– Booking appointments in Loyalty Rewards Digital Prods
Click to hear Live Audio call
– Cold Calling & Booking Appointments in Web Design, Social and Asian
marketing with We-chat & Baidu
Click to hear Live Audio call
–Cold calling and Booking meetings with a Tech co. in the Online Web- Chat , A. I. space
Click to hear Live Audio call
-Cold Appointment setting in the Web Design, SEO, Ranking ..Social space
Click to hear Live Audio call
–Cold Approach Appointment setting in Winnipeg in the Web Design, SEO, Ranking ..Social space
Audio Player
Click to hear Live Audio call
-Here’s another great Web Design , SEO, Rank Higher get more leads Call