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    Posts Tagged ‘Cold Calling’

    Ditch ” Send Me Info” & Just BOOK THE MEETING

    Saturday, March 7th, 2020

    Murray on a Roof 6
    new web site Outbound logo 1

    Hot Tips on How to Wrap it Up & Book
    The Meeting with Any Top Decision

    Here it is March 2020 … going into the 2nd Quarter of the Game , 3 months
    into 2020

    Are you Deeply Satisfied and Content
    with the Sales Performance and Sales Revenues so far ?….

    As B2B marketers we know that we have to create a HUGE Sales Pipeline
    to sell into

    We know that we have to have Conversations with top decision makers in
    our most desired niches …

    And turn those Conversations into Booked Meetings

    We also know that that there are Multiple Touches On Multiple different
    we can use to Connect, have a Conversation and BOOK MEETINGS

    But… we also know that Cold Approach E-mail, Social and LinkedIn are
    GREAT Options to Connect –BUT
    , we need to get these People on the Phone for a conversations to Book High Level meetings

    Nothing is better than the PHONE … to book  meetings

    These are the Typical, Average Touches that Professional sales people do….
    New web site average output per day

    What I see and witness all the time is that sales People send out a Lot of Emails,
    Hoping for Blow ins . Sales people send out a lot of Linked in Connections
    Invites, Hoping for the target to accept

    However they struggle over the “Phone” with nailing down
    the “ 1st Meeting new Client Booked Introduction”

    When they finally connect with a prospect after they have done , 17
    touch points …and the Target finally says :
                                                            HELLO …

    The sales professional launches into their Opening statement and then the
    prospect says —

    We’re not interested”

    “We’re using ABC Company”

    “We have no needs”

    “ We do that in-House”

    Or the all-time Crowd favorite

     “Send me some Info”

     And then the sales professional crumbles like a ‘House of cards”

    You must learn this ….

    “ It’s socially acceptable for the
    Prospects not
    to tell you the truth

    So here’s the scenario, you have called your target 8 X , emailed him 2 X
    and on your 9th attempt , he picks up the phone and says “ Hello”

    You go through your Pitch , he seems interested and then says

                                                        “ SEND ME INFO “

    new web site get the meeting

                                               “Cut Them Off at the Pass”

    If you are getting send me information all the time and you are challenged
    with just –Booking the DEMO

    Try this tactic

    Squash the send me some information line

    • The idea is to grab the objection out of their brain before they say it

     This is called a Pre-frame. If you know what the person is going to say before
    they say it . And if it’s going to be negative, an objection or some push back.
    Rather than wait …and see if the prospect doesn’t give you an objection

    The idea us to block and counter punch known objections before
    they come up

    When a prospect Objects or says “Send Me Info “and you now have to turn
    them around
    from a “Send me Info” to Book the Meeting

    That’s very manipulative.

    Or worse , it took you 7 calls, you sent 4 emails , you did 2 –
    3 X Linkedin invites . You finally get through and the target says

    “ Send me info

    Now you’re going to have to –Send Info and then do 17 Touches to connect
    with them again
    , that could take another 2 weeks . You got them on the

    .. Just Book the MEETING NOW with them

    Pre-Frame the Objection Up-front ;

    Anticipation and Preparation : is everything

    The prospect is going to say “ They are not Interested

    The prospect is going to say “ Send me Info

    Anticipate this

    Know this

    They are going to do this

    So Be Prepared and Anticipate this …!!

    Don’t send Info , it’s a waste of time and they are probably
    bull-shitting you — that they are interested in the first place. They
    are just being polite .

    Book the meeting,
    If they are interested they will take a 5 minute
    Discovery Call or a 10 minute Executive Web Briefing

    Non-committal and Avoidance , NEXT –> catch the next wave.

    If they won’t …let them go…

    Cut Them Off at the Pass  ( Pull the send me info line out of their brain
    before they say it ….)

    Cut off from history

    What this statement implies is : the Conditioned Mind-set of your target
    account will win them over 100% of the time

    Who-ever “ Owns the FRAME wins the Game”

    You’re 75% – 80% of the way through your Pitch and the

    This is Everything …

    You Don’t ask if they are interested or Isn’t this Great >>?

    You just keep moving forward and Flow right into this Phrase

    Say something like this …

    ” Typically at this point almost all of our clients –ask us to send something over
    to them by email – . And we most likely can and we will do that…

    But what we’ve heard so often from our clients telling us is that they need
    information that is tailor-made and specific to their exact circumstances,
    they just don’t want generic information sent to them, this is new to you and
    most likely you’ll have a few questions that need answers  )

    ….. I’m sure that’s the same for you

    Every time we send over generic information that’s not Tailor-made or
    SPECIFIC it kind of shoots us in the foot & doesn’t do anybody any good

    • We meet with our clients 2 different ways –We can have one of our
      subject matter experts pop by
      with some Pdf’s , Pricing and some samples show
      you these new innovative ways you can …that are reaching a tipping point
      right now

      — It would be a brief 10 minute exploratory meeting with no commitment or
      obligation at all

    —- It’s purely a learning, exploratory session

    • Should your schedule doesn’t permit we could schedule just
      a five-minute Discovery call with one of our subject matter
      expert’s over the phone
      in the next  week , how about Tuesday
      @ 10:30 or Wednesday @ 2:00 ?– All we’ll  need is maybe five minutes ?– They can have a quick
      conversation , find out specifically what you’re looking for & then
      send over the appropriate  tailor made information for
      you ….        
      (makes sense )

    Which would you prefer ?

    Another version

    Say something like this …

    ” Oh awesome, it seems like you’re kind of interested and Open to some new
    ideas or options in this area in the future….

    New web site back ground Tavarua

    “ Typically at this stage most clients want us to send them over some information
    at this point

     What we have found by our clients telling us is that , they get about 160 e-mails per day, they’re super busy at their E-mail in-box– and if we send over generic information that’s not tailor-made to their exact specific needs and circumstances , it’s going to bring up questions .. Those questions needs some answers and if we’re not there to answer them.. it kinda shoots us in the foot”

    I know you’re busy and respect your time. We’ve prepared a 10 minute
    Multi-media , really visual Executive Web Briefing

    it’s right over the Internet –that will quickly determine if our solution will be of value
    to you. I guarantee this will be time well spent

    – IT will present the key features, a tour of the Best Practices that other companies are implementing and a Visual on the ROI and the payback ….  –

    (See how you refresh all of the benefits they will get at the meeting, making this so enticing…)

    We would love to show you this to see you to see what resonates with you and get your professional opinion and insight on our value proposition

     How does your calendar look for this week or next?

    • I have a few time slots open this week on Thursday or alternatively we could do next Tuesday at 10:30 – which of those would fit better for you busy schedule?If you’re too busyand your schedule does not permit ..How about a 5 Minute Discovery call with one of our Experts , — They can have a quick conversation , find out specifically what you’re looking for & then send over the appropriate  tailor made information for you (makes sense– Now they are choosing between a 10 minute web demo or a 5 min
      discovery call – Not interested is not in the picture )


    “ I think it would be a good idea to go through a 10 minute executive web briefing,
    it will show you exactly how our solution will enable your company to ;

    Benefit 1

    — Benefit 2

    — Benefit 3

     Brag and Boast about known objections and concerns Up-Front

    If they are thinking about an objection the target cannot be relaxed or
    subjective about anything, you need to get them to shift their focus      

    Here are some Fresh, new Great Angles to BOOK 300% MORE
    Meetings with High Value accounts

    Sprinkle your Sales Intelligence’ & Research into your
    20 second opener

    In talking with members of your team, I learned about your initiative to
    improve, do this or that

    In talking with members of your team I learned about your initiative to
    improve customer retention. I’ve also emailed and reached out to multiple people
    in your company to really understand your goals and challenges and I understand that ___P1_______ and _____P2_______are not where you would like, and that
    you’ve identified a few root causes such as

    In talking with members of your team, I learned about your initiative to
    improve customer retention, and I believe that our new solution could be a
    great fit for your organization

    “ Hi Mr Prospect , I’m with _________ and I understand from talking with________
    and ______ and reading a press release on your web site that you’re in the
    process of
    , have a target or goal of , one of your initiatives or objectives are

    We’ve worked with a number of other firms in similar situations helping
    them to
    ( MONSTER BENEFIT and Price-less answer they’re looking for )I’d like
    to ask a few quick questions to understand your circumstances to see if I could
    provide some relevant information” ( who could say no to that )

    Permission Based Cold Calling 2.0 Opening Statement templates :

    I just got off the phone with a conversation with _____ around some Gaps in
    the way they ________ , and your name came up as more of the resident expert in this area

    Did I catch you at an OK time ?

    I was just on Linked-in and noticed that we have a couple mutual friends
    there ________ and _________ ,

    Did I catch you at a good time , can you talk for 2 minutes ?

    Hope I’m not interrupting anything too important, can you talk for 120 seconds ?

    Opening statements

    Hey the reason for the call is we recently  helped __abc co____to _____B1___ and
    remove problem ________. And I was just reading a press release on your web site
    that you’re in the process of _________ ,

    Have a target or goal of ________?

    — One of your initiatives or objectives are …And I wanted to see if this may
    be of some help as well to your company

    And we’ve just finished working with 5 similar customers that were going
    down the same road : we’ve helped them do this 3X faster , avoid all the
    mistakes and holes in the road and get 4 X Better Results 

    If you’re not too busy can you give me just 120 seconds on the
    phone here t
    o see if there could be a fit or if you’re busy can
    I get five minutes on the calendar later this week or next week !

    ____( very chill statement )_

    Hey John it’s ___________ calling with __________ the reason for my call is
    that I saw that you’re planning to ( Big trigger event, initiative,
    objective , press release

    I have to imagine you’re concerned about having a plan that will be __huge
    Result ___

    Our company has a lot of experience building and designing projects exactly
    like ….. such as
    ________ and _________  and I’ve seen a lot of blowups
    and train wrecks
    along the way but mostly under whelming and under performing

    I have a few ideas that have really helped a number of similar companies,
    ( name drop 1, 2 , 3 ) this could help you possibly to avoid some common disconnects and problems and holes in the road in the future …

    Can I ask just a couple quick questions?

    new web site tropical heading 1

    Right after your opening statement , say this :
    ( about 20 seconds ) Chill Them Down

     “ And hey … I know I’m calling you out of the Blue and catching you off guard , from
    the information I’ve researched off your website & LinkedIn profile , there might
    be a possible in the future when needs become apparent
    , since we’ve
    worked with many similar companies as yours — , this is purely an exploratory call

    “ And hey , just to take a step back, I’m not here to sell your anything
    right now… from the information I’ve researched off your website & LinkedIn
    profile , there might be a possible fit in the future, when needs become
    , since we’ve worked with many similar companies as yours

    Working with your peer group we discovered ___P1___ and __P2__, which Led
    to issue 3 and issue 5

    We’ve have a proven solution to deliver — __ B1_and __B2__and ultimately
    monster benefit B3

    I’m just looking to get your insight/ opinion and feedback on what we’ve
    created for your per group/ industry / vertical ”

    We wanted you to take a look at it and get your opinion insight & feedback
    on what we’ve created and see what resonates with you –— to see if it’s
    something you could use down the line in the future ..( great Line to book meeting)


    Referrals and Name Drops are the key to an Attention getting
    20 second Opener…

    “it’s not how much you know, it’s who you know in their company”

               ICR –Internal Credible Referral’s gives you Power

                Murray’s 3 Step — Permission Based Referral to the
    Decision Maker method :
                               “You have to go Low to Get High”
    Find Sponsors & Champions”

    permission based flow

     We’ve literally almost wrote the book on Outbound Sales Development

    Murray's Sales development playbook

    –  400 Companies
    —  49 industries
    —   238 High Tech companies

    We provide a complete Done-for-you Solution including :

    One Outbound Hunter ‘Specialist’ can produce 25 – 50 Qualified Meetings,
    Presentations and Appointments for your Sales team to sell into :

    — Locating Top Flight Outbound Sales Development experts

    — Irresistible Talk Track,  script design & Sales Playbook development

    — Perfect Customer Profile List development hacks and tools to use

    Coaching and Live Cold Calling training using our famous ‘Speaker
    Phone 3 way technique

    One call Close Pitch Deck  & Written Deck Web Demo design

    Call me on my cell # anytime 604-307-2431
    Thanks so much,
    Murray Warren
    604-307-2431 –cell
    PSWe 100% work on a Performance and value basis

    Here are some Live B2B Cold Appointment setting calls in
    The Digital Marketing / App/  Agency Space to listen to :

    Audio Player

    Click to hear Live Audio call 
    -Calling for Web Site Design , Social Media , SEO

    Audio Player

    Click to hear Live Audio call
    -Tech start up -heat Tracking / Digital Google analytics prod

    Audio Player

    Click to hear Live Audio call
    Tech start up Heat Tracking call 

    Audio Player

    Click to hear Live Audio call
    – Booking appointments in Loyalty Rewards Digital Prods

    Audio Player

    Click to hear Live Audio call
    Cold Calling & Booking Appointments in Web Design, Social and Asian 
    marketing with We-chat & Baidu

    Audio Player

    Click to hear Live Audio call
    Cold calling and Booking meetings with a Tech co. in the Online Web- Chat , A. I. space

    Audio Player

    Click to hear Live Audio call
    -Cold Appointment setting in the Web Design, SEO, Ranking ..Social space

    Audio Player

    Click to hear Live Audio call
    Cold Approach Appointment setting in Winnipeg in the Web Design, SEO, Ranking ..Social space


    Audio Player

    Click to hear Live Audio call
    -Here’s another great Web Design , SEO, Rank Higher get more leads Call



    Cold Call Objection Handling Templates

    Saturday, July 21st, 2018

    new blog post heading

    New blog post heading 2

    Here is a great short objection handler to use when booking meetings & audits

    True story, Let’s call her Jane she is selling $100,000.00 – $500,000.00 LED Retrofits of huge warehouse’s and facilities. This business has a 30% net profit margin …so there is significant commission in this industry

    I witnessed Jane use this objection handler 3 X . She Booked the meeting right in front of me . Then met the client and earned over $ 450,000.00 in sales deal flow with prospects who said “ Were Not Interested “ initially

    Great objection handler for  “We’re not interested”

    That’s perfectly OK, and just know that I am not trying to sell anything today. Instead I just want to provide you with a proven resource you might be able to use down the road should you find you ever need :

    –An LED retrofit of your facility to save 80% off your monthly utility bills, give your warehouse 10 times better lighting and reduce the carbon footprint

    Or to compare quotes and services with a different “best practice” all in one LED provider

    I understand you’re not interested right now or working with someone else , BUT … I would still like to Meet you and introduce myself and drop off some information, brochures and pricing
    to you

    Hey …How does your calendar look for Friday @ ________ or Tuesday
    @ ______ ? 

    Audio Player

    Click to hear Audio of Live call

    Business to business cold calling for appointments and meetings is brutally hard. We are doing interrupter marketing, calling people that are not expecting our calls and completely interrupting their train of thought, what they are doing , functions and tasks

    Your timing, the Value you deliver, your Research and your Name drops will immediately Blow away any push-back or objection”

    It really is a numbers game

    If you have a good researched list with 3 to 5 name drops and internal credible referrals, a good core message, and you’re confident and certain in your tonality and tempo —  you’ve got a 50% chance

    You have to be able to truly understand your prospect and target

    You have to understand the pain that they could be experiencing

    And truly believe that your solution consultant that pain

    And express that confidence and certainty in 20 to 42 seconds  on the phone

    But one thing for certain we as sales professionals have the upper hand because we can predict exactly what they’re going to say before they say it

    Conditioned response

     Just like a bug , a Mosquito lands on your arm … it would be totally reasonable to swat it off you



    This is what your prospect is doing …

    These happen generally in the first 10 to 20 seconds of the call. Pushback, we’re not interested, we’re fine with what we have, we’re working with so and so

    You have to understand that 100% of the prospects and targets couldn’t care less about the core message

    Prepare to be the best but expect the worst on every single call

    If you prepare to be the best and expect the worst… then you’ll be able to block and counter punch the conditioned responses within the first 20 to 40 seconds


    Some of the tools we use to get “ICR’s” (  Internal Credible Referrals and name drops are
    https://hunter.io/search Email Hunter -the best free resource to get

    All of the email addresses and names of top decision makers in any company

    == https://connect.data.com/home –   This is a crowd sourced database with over 70 Million records . Its been sourced by 200,000 sales professionals and its FREE

    == https://www.linkedin.com  – Linkedin is a great source to get the names of people in their inner circle

    Why is this good ? And why the hassle of all this waste of time researching you’re thinking ?

    You can use their “Trigger Events ‘ that are going on in your – Opening statement – In an Email to them – In a Voice mail to them


    who you know

    I used to just call the lowest level person in the department I’m going after. And then I would just shoot the breeze with this person and go oh what’s the weather like over there, what city are you in ? cool ,never been there , here it’s beautiful, your part of the _____________team is that right ?

    Excellent and Jimmy Jones he would be the chief operating officer right, and he would take care of the reviewing and evaluation of their __________

    Then I would ask the Gent , if you could improve, change or alter anything with regards ___________, what would be on your Dream Wish List ?

    Oh hi Jim I was talking with Kathy and your name came up as the resident expert in authority I need to talk to you, did I catch you at a good time can you talk for a brief moment?”

    Oh hi Jim, Murray here I was doing some research on your School District and I was talking with Kathy which led me to a Bill and they both seem to agree that you were the resident expert I need to talk to, did I catch you at a good time can you talk for a bit moment? “

    oh hi Bill it’s Murray here , I have been bouncing around between a bunch of your peer group and colleagues over there I was trying to reach Kathy, and then that led me to Bill and then to James and I see you’re the director of Communications over there — would you be the right point of contact who would take care of Communications & Parent / Teacher communications

     Oh Hi Jim , I just got off the phone with James and we were talking about some of the Gaps he’s been experiencing with ____________ and he mentioned that you’d be the best point of contact regarding ____________ ,

    Do you have a focus or attention in this area ?”

    The Permission based referral Decision Maker method :

    permission based flow

    Here are some Conditioned Response templates to use in the 1st 20 – 40 seconds of any Push-back

    Preparation & Anticipating rejection…

    • Agree with him say whatever he said and feed it back to him.
      1. That’s totally cool
      2. That’s not a problem …
      3. Not a problem at all…
      4. You’re absolutely right

    I have had other people in the home building industry in Hamilton say the same thing — say this before. Probably 98% of our clients all had other systems/ crm solutions in place when we first me them

    • Group them together with others

    ”As I said, we’ve been servicing real estate home-builders and Agencies for over 17 years and have 400 clients in n America.. for nearly 17 years and have had 1,000’s of people say the same thing, that they were happy with their present setup, some had paper , pens and excel and that’s great

    …So I totally know where you’re coming from

    ‘ We’ve had 400 companies like yours put their reservations aside for 9 minutes and were totally blown away and have been clients for years’

    (You need to validate what they are saying so they feel that you are listening to them)

    “I totally understand –why would anyone consider this if there weren’t a rock solid viable alternative?

    ‘ the 5 other customers we have in your area , such as___________ and
    ________________ when we met them they were all using another solution.

    • Seduce and entice them with better results/benefits and ..

    Many other [industry] members are open to getting some new innovative ideas that would allow them to –Do More with Less and feel it’s important to stay ahead of the curve and keep their ear to the ground on new technology regarding CRM solutions and Automated email technology changes so fast ,,, if you’ve been using a crm for 3- 5 years now , there’s major breakthroughs in features and functionality that were not available at that time ,not even invented –such as

                 Distract & Refocus on New Possibilities.
    You made it very clear that you’re happy with your present set up and that’s cool …If down the line in the future …

    … If you found out from a fact or from someone you respected or admired and they said you could improve efficiencies and reduce costs… and monster benefit  1, 2 , 3

    • Might that change your opinion slightly?
    • I’m just wondering if you suspended your judgment or perspective for just a brief moment and found out for a fact that our “Solution” could compliment and augment what you’re doing/using a


    Here’s a great Live Asian/ Chinese SEO & Social Media Cold Approach Appointment setting call.

    Sunday, November 19th, 2017

    chinese rich

    Audio Player


    Click to hear live call 


    `From Not interested…to Alternate Quote in 2 minutes `

    Saturday, November 18th, 2017

    How to walk your Prospect down the Garden Path of Their Decision Making Process… and have them Choose you .

    garden path 2

    How to get your prospect to walk down the Garden Path of the Decision process they made to get their existing supplier or Vendor .

    That they made logical steps to get this vendor and if they did this again .. it could be very worth their while.

    Audio Player


    Click audio to hear the 4 Question process to turn around the hardest purchaser to a neutral basis … within 120 seconds
    This is the # 1 Competitive selling Frame-work 

    Here’s the “Garden Path” Process :

    1. Agree with them–Not a problem at all, I totally understand

    2. Say , would you mind if I ask How long have you been with
      them ?

      You want to hear …years , over 12 months ..the better

    3. Then say , “Were you involved with the decision to get this provider back then ?”

      YES — Awesome ?

      If No – Then say , Do you think the Executive team team at that time ….  did any research, comparing or shopping around with other providers to find this excellent provider ?

    4. Hey well , at that time when you got them did you do any research, comparing or shopping around with other providers to find this excellent provider ?

    5. Great , so you subscribe to the idea that it makes good business sense to shop around and review.. cool

      ..And you’ve been with them a long time , I’m sure they’re serving you well. You did great research back then…( in the day )

    6. So I’m sure you feel researching and comparing other products , other vendors a good thing from time to time ,  just to keep them on their toes …

    7. You know obviously I called you out of the blue ….

      We’ve been talking for a while now and it’s sounding like there could be some synergy or good reason to continue the conversation …
      — There’s  new features & functionality that have been just released that weren’t even invented ..when you got your solution-everything is so much better , faster,  cheaper & more reliable now .. The Costs have decreased significantly – They work a lot better

      We would love the opportunity to throw out hat into the Ring , and show you what we’ve created for your peer group , just to get your opinion and feedback on this

    8. If your flexible lets move this to a calendar Invite , lets schedule a quick 10 minute executive web briefing where I can show you all of this in multi media …not just on the phone, with a subject matter expert …ask questions, purely exploratory , no commitment or obligation…

              Hey how does your calendar look for …. ?

    It’s Spring 2017 … Time to get your Outbound Hustle On !!!

    Saturday, April 22nd, 2017










    Getting Tired of your .05% Return on Cold
    E-Mail marketing ?

    …Getting a lousy response spamming your Corporate Accounts ?


    … Are you doing Content Marketing and smoking HOPEIUM hoping that primo perfect accounts are going to blow through your door and ‘Chase you for your business ” ?

     Possibly its time to learn Murray’s Permission
    Cold Calling 2.0 Techniques and his Cold Approach 
    E-mail Marketing Secrets …?

    After 21 years of building Outbound New Business
    Development and Telesales departments for over 400 companies , in 49 industries , with over 221 Technology companies, SAAS cloud based Apps and Software companies


    I started to see a pattern developing with every account I worked on,

    email 2 july 8










    Companies will do Everything on the Planet Earth to “Get Through ” to Corporate Enterprise Accounts 
    — Content marketing , Sales Force , Marketo , Hub Spot
    — Cold Approach E-mail
    — The Social Media cartel
    — Linked-In
    — FaceBook
    ..And these are all fine and Great, BUT to Think you can’t pick up the PHONE and get into a Conversation with someone you have not met , or been referred to , or who has not “raised their hand” , or Opted in is a bunch of “Malarkey”

    Corporate Enterprise Sales is fuelled by Meaningful Sales conversations that lead into a Sales process and Outbound Sales funnel Sequence
    I see it everywhere I go Sales professionals are petrified to PICK up The PHONE and REACH- OUT, it seems they have been told –” Just send out 150 e-mails a day” – They’ve turned into E-mail Monkeys or Avatar’s


    Here’s the Ultimate B2B Outbound ‘Hustle ‘
    Script Builder  :


    Oh hey I know you’re really super busy I was talking with _referral____and she said you were the resident expert in authority I need to talk to

    You deal with all of the ____________and ____________ over there is that right?


     I just wanted to share with you an idea that can
    ( Monster benefit )

    And I was wondering if  you might be open to some
    new ideas or options that can –

    — Benefit 1

    — Remove problem 2

    Offer benefit 3

    Would you give me another 120 seconds on the phone here to see if there could be some synergy or some common ground , I promise I’ll earn the rest …
    Another option

    Hey I respect you’re really busy …..and you deal with all the accounting and HR in Accounts Payable over there that’s what  name Drop Told me

    I just wanted to share with you an idea, a new option that hundreds of your peer group are using right now

    And was wondering if we have a solution that will

    Benefit 1

    Remove problem 2

    Offer benefit 3

    Would you give me another 120 seconds on the phone here to see if there could be some synergy or some common ground , I promise I’ll earn the rest

    Or if your super busy could I get 5 minutes on your calendar for Later this week , say Thurs
    @ 1:00 , thanks

    Awesome … here’s the Big Idea in 100 words
    Another version

    Hey I just got off the phone with ___name drop___and your name came up as more of the resident expert in authority I need to talk to you…

    Did I catch you at an OK time?

    I see you’re the _________, do you have a focus her attention on______________ ?


    My company is and we–what we do

     I was researching your company and your objectives for 2017-–I was on your LinkedIn profile and really like that post / that slide share- you did on _________________

    And I was wondering if you’d be open to  some new ideas or options on how toMonster Benefit

    Here’s a great Flow

    I am MW calling with ________ we help companies in this vertical, to  ——— and ———

    Recently we’ve worked with, name drop and name drop  and delivered significant and substantial benefits such as __________ and __________
    _benefit 1_________
    _benefit 2_________

    And as a result they are able to



    And were confident we can deliver the same
    for your company…

     Could I ask you just a few quick questions to see if there’s any chance we could help your company as well?


     Or was wondering if you could give me 120 seconds on the phone here to see if there could be a fit or a match, I promise I’ll earn the rest .

    Here are some Live B2B Appointment Setting Calls to Jump-start you into Summer …..

    Audio Player

    Here’s Murray Warren calling the Top Digital strategy guy for John Elway , famous quarterbacks huge car dealer-ship franchise in Denver
    click to hear live call audio


    Audio Player

    Summers Over 2016, Time to Scale Up your Outbound Hustle ….

    Saturday, September 3rd, 2016

    As Summer 2016 comes to a close …All B2B Marketers are scrambling to Triple their Sales Pipeline to sell into for Q-4 !!

    summers over 10
















    Here’s a great Swipe-file of the best Converting Opening statements & Transition and Bridge statements … which are the sleight of hand of Outbound Tele-prospecting , refocus attention ..somewhere else


    Here is the best “send me info” line ever

    No problem what’s your email?


    Great, before I go let me ask you a question to help me tailor the information to your specific needs and circumstances …

    How do you currently blah blah blah ?


    In addition to yourself who else hope to make the decisions in this area

    Great thanks


    Leveraging the referral and the competition in your opening statement


    Hey I was speaking with __name drop__________, over at, regarding common problem challenge or key business issue, and he mentioned I should give you a call to get your feedback and opinion

    We recently helped __________, Company 2 and Company 3 to avoid major huge problem disaster, while at the same time get–  monster huge benefits

     And wanted to see if this might be something you’d possibly be interested in also ?

    And wanted to see if this might be something you would possibly be interested in knowing a little more about as well ?


    Can you give me another 120 seconds on the phone here to see if there’s some synergy or common ground , I promise I’ll earn the rest ..?


    Some great cold email approach subject lines


    Your article in ________


    Your post on _______


    Your video about


    It’s time to crank up your Outbound Hustle , and you can’t expect your sales team to prospect and cold call 300% more and load up the ‘Top of the Sales Funnel ‘


    Create a “Specialist” Sales model where – Prospectors and Junior Inside Sales reps reach out and do all the research , prospecting and meaningful sales conversations & Book meetings and appointments for the sales team .


    And then hand-off ‘Open” leads, Discovery Calls , Snap-shot Web Demos and Meetings to the the sales team.

    sales specialization 1


    In 2007  it took an average of 3.68 call attempts to reach a prospect


    ...Today in 2016 it takes 9 attempts


    — It’s 300% harder to reach top level Decision Makers for a productive selling conversation


    Average sales person makes 2 attempts to reach a prospect then gives up


    Average sales person makes 8 dials per hour and prospects for 6.25 hours to set one appointment


    Average sales person spends 93 hours to 120 hours a month on the phone trying to get through to set up 12  appointments a month


    50% of all sales go to the first sales person to contact and have a meaningful sales conversation with the prospect


    70% of all purchasers that switched to the new supplier said that 100% of them were initially satisfied and happy with their solution when they were approached ..before they switched


    — So the questions begs,  is the Bottom 70% of the market that’s not Looking or not interested worth going after ?
    –> I think so ….

    So just imagine for a moment …. Your sales people over at your company , imagine they didn’t have to waste 80% of their selling time to do all of these selling steps …


    Imagine…. you had an In-house Outbound Sales Development team / person , They did all the research, reaching out and made 1,500 calls per month, sent out 400 cold approach referral emails , got 36 – 65 referrals, got into 220 meaningful sales conversations per month with the right decision makers and Booked 25 – 50 appointments and meetings for the sales team

    specialize 2

    email 2 july 8












    Here’s a great opening statement formula

    We created a unique approach to ____________, that will –
    ( eliminate pain challenge and hurt )– and the purpose of my call today is to see if there might be some synergy or common ground on what you’re looking for in the area of _______ and what we’ve created for your peer group..


    Can you give me another 120 seconds on the phone here to see if there might be some common ground or synergy .. I promise I’ll earn the rest ?


    Okay here are some Fall 2016 Back to Business Live B2B Appointment Setting Cold Calls to get you jump started for Q-4 2016 … cheers !!

    Audio Player

    click to hear audio –-Here we are calling Printing and Duplication companies all over the USA

    Audio Player

    Click to hear audio – GPS Fleet tracking and Management App – calling Fleets across Canada


    Audio Player

    Click to hear audio – Calling into printing and Duplication companies USA market


    Audio Player

    Click to hear audio – Calling into the mobile , remote Ordering , Inspection App Market with Utilities all over the USA


    Audio Player

    Click to hear audio – Testing the script with a huge Freight Forwarding , Cross Border shipping company


    Audio Player

    Click to hear audio – Testing the outbound talk talk with a huge SAGE Partner with an E-Commerce App


    Good Bye Summer of 2016 , I’ll miss the warm days of paddle surfing 2- 4 ft shore break on Bowen Island.

    summers over 8

    End of Summer-Back to Business September 2015 Appointment Setting Tips

    Saturday, August 22nd, 2015

    Here we are at Saturday August 22 — September is fast creeping around the corner , days are getting shorter –However –I was paddle surfing  1 –  3 ft waves on Bowen Island yesterday , it was windy , rough really green water –amazing —

    Here is my latest September 2015 back to Business Appointment Setting PDF

    – 35 pages of Triple your Meetings and Double your Sales material

    September 2015 -2 Back to Business New Sales Development Playbook ..
    click to read or download PDF

    Get Your Outbound On for Back to Business Selling Season 2015 ….


    Audio Player

    Click to hear audio
    Here we are calling the biggest publicists of top celebrities in the USA market

    Audio Player

    Click to hear audio
    Testing the Outbound Script with Sustainability Coordinators of the biggest Universities in North America

    Audio Player

    click to hear live audio

    Audio Player

    click to hear live audio

    Here I’m testing the script with the Biggest Leasing and Financial Services company in Western Canada

    Audio Player

      click to hear live audio
    Here I have horse- shoes up my butt generating a $30,000 ERP Software lead for Aquilon Software

    ” 80% of success in Sales is just showing up”

    Audio Player

    Click to hear live audio

    Testing the script with a Design, Build and Outfit Corporate Office Furnishings Company

    Audio Player

    click to hear live audio
    Here Murray Warren is making live calls for a huge Safety Products company in front of 9 sales people and the owner

    Audio Player

    click to hear audio

    Audio Player

    click to hear live audio
    Doing Outbound sales development testing for a GPS Fleet Tracking company .

    Audio Player

     click to hear live audio
    Here is a great permission Based 120 approach opening statement…

    Just imagine a Dedicated Outbound Business Developer working for your company ..that can —

    –> Make 1,300 calls per month

    –> Engage in 220 – 250 end to end Productive Selling Conversations

    –> Book 25 – 50 Presentations, Meetings and Demos for your
    Sales team

    Taking the time consuming burden of “Getting in the Door off your Sales teams plate.

    Cold Approach E-mail Marketing is Back- How to get the Top Executive Officer to refer you to the right ..point of contact .. priceless!!

    Thursday, May 14th, 2015

    Specialized Sales Roles
    Divide the  Labor
    Tripling the Sales Pipeline

    =  Peace of Mind
    Consistent Revenue Stream

    –Contained here is a copy of the actual e-mail thread with the Biggest Charity in Canada, responding to my clients Cold Approach e-mail referring it to the Referral and CC’ing my client Wayne

    …Also the President and CEO of The United Way responded to my clients cold e-mail in less than 5 minutes

    Cold approach -it worked April 17 2015 click to read E-mail

    Audio Player

    And here is the Live Cold Call Followup Booking a Meeting with the Referral — A summer breeze ..

    Click to listen to Live call

    — We have been testing out Aaron Ross’s– Predictable Revenue– Cold Approach E-mail Referral Marketing technique on all of our clients that go after the mid-tier and high tier markets in the US and Canada … and it’s working amazing !

    If you have to reach Out and Cold Call to find interest , needs and-set up Appointments and meetings with Top Decision Makers


    Wouldn’t it make sense that if called into a Pool of prospects that we’re Referred to you from the Top Executive Officer at the company….

    –> That you would be able to have more productive selling conversations and Book MORE meetings and  Appointments ?


    So now Imagine you have ;

    – 1 or 2 Outbound sales developers and they’re sending out 1,000 Cold Approach emails per month — 2,000 total per month

    — You’re achieving a 12% Referral rate to the right ‘point of Contact

    – That totals 240 Referrals per month by the Top Executive Officer to the right person and CCd you in on the email


    When you call into the Referrals you can generate a 35% conversion ratio easily — that’s 84 meetings per month .. that you didn’t have to cold call in the raw with … priceless..

    Now your Outbound sales Developer is calling into a Highly leveraged list , exploiting the Top CEO or Presidents name with referrals to Book the meeting .. it works like a champ

    Top 10 best Cold Calling 2.0 Opening Phrases to Command Attention with prospects over the phone…

    Sunday, April 12th, 2015

    Cold calling 2.0 opening phrases

    My company is ___________we work with __niche/ vertical___– and we just recently helped them to __monster benefit______
    — remove problem 1
    — remove problem 2

    And ultimately gain benefit 3 _____________

    And hey I’m not certain of your situation, but if you’re open to some new ideas or options that would _______________

    Would you be flexible for a brisk, informative  10 minute  online Executive Web briefing on the latest breakthrough solutions in ________?

    Right after your opening statement, say this

    Oren Klaff style

    And Mr. Jones… That’s why were in just crazy demand right now and at this point in time I’m really not certain about your exact needs or if there’s a fit or a match for our solution. What I would like to do is ask if you a few quick questions and get a feel of your company and see if there might be a way for you your company to

    — benefit 1

    — and benefit 2

    Right after your opening statement, say this

    ….And John believe me I know a company of your size and Caliber can get this stuff you anywhere and you get a lot of calls like this , and most likely you’re satisfied with what you’re using


    … But we really do things differently with added value benefits of _______ and ________ and ________ .

    And hey I’m not certain if our solution would be a good fit for your company or would apply to your situation, I wanted to ask you 3 quick questions to determine if we might be able to
    — benefit 1
    — benefit 2
    — benefit 3
    For You guys over there
    Right after your opening statement say this

    Get the prospect to tell you why they would good to work with …
    … And by the way at this point this is why we’re getting so much attention activity and business right now from your peer group.  Since I’ve taken some time to show you our big idea I’m wondering if you could give me a few minutes and explain why you guys would be a good company to work with?

    Hey it’s ___________  calling I just got off the phone with Jack ( their colleague)  and he said you were the resident expert in authority in the area of_______?

    I was just hoping to get 40 seconds of your time to explain why I’m calling…
    How much focus or attention do you have on __________?
    If our solution can;

    Great 40 second Intro Opening statement

    — remove problem 1
    — get rid of pain in the butt 2
    — give your company benefits of 3 and 4

    Would I be getting any of your attention whatsoever?

    Does this in general… Interest you at all?

    Would you want more information on this?

    Oh great… Assuming we solve problems and challenges with :
    – problem 1
    – issue 2
    – concern 3

    And deliver the benefits of :
    — benefit 1
    — benefit 2

    Would you be paying any attention to me what-so-ever?

    Awesome… Can you give me another 120 seconds of your time on the phone right now to see if there’s some synergy or common ground?

    ( See how this works so well , 2 steps of customer permission , The customer feels they are in CONTROL of the selling situation , they don’t feel that that they are being manipulated )

    The Richard Dreyfuss Permission 60 second opening

    Hey—— it’s __________ calling I was just on your website researching your company and noticed an awesome press release about some 2015 / 2016 initiatives and objectives that you guys are doing — such as _________ & _________ ..

    …. In the last 12 months we’ve helped over 9 companies accomplish those exact initiatives and goals —  and if you’re open I have some new ideas and options that could help your company accomplish these things easier, 40% – 80% faster and for way less money  ….

    I’m wondering if you’re not too busy if you could give me another 120 seconds on the phone here to see if there could be some synergy or common ground ?

    If you could just give me 120 seconds on the phone here, I promise I’ll
    earn the rest
    ( isn’t that a beautiful line .. )

    “ We’re fine with what we have”

    That’s not a problem at all, probably 90% of all of our clients in the last 20 years when we approached them initially said the exact same thing…

    We don’t mind being second at all….

    This is just an exploratory call and quite honestly I don’t know if there could be a good fit or a good match at this point– It’s not a sales call , I never get it right the first time — I just wanted to ask you 3 quick questions to determine if there could be a fit

    Fantastic Gatekeeper Dracula turn around

    “ Why are you calling, what’s the purpose of your call?”

    To be honest I don’t have all the details, I was told to catch up with your IT expert Chuck, something to do with challenges with problem 1 &  problem 2 …

    I was just calling to see what the problem is…  if any and see what we can do to help, hey could you put me through to Charles thanks

    Great 60 second opening leveraging internal credible referrals gathered ;

    Oh hi I was just speaking with – Jackie on how we’ve helped, ABC Co & DEF Co, reduce, avoid, increase, and he mentioned that I should give you a call to get your feedback and opinion on this

    ….. Hi Mr. Jones it’s ________ with, we recently helped ABC Co. and DEF Co avoid huge monster problem, while at the same time get desired benefit /  results 300% faster, and wanted to see if this might be something you would possibly be interested in knowing a little bit more about as well ?

    I’m wondering if you’re not too busy if you could give me another 120 seconds on the phone here to see if there could be some synergy or common ground ?

    Fabulous 30 Second introductory style

    Hi Mr. Jones, could I share with you a solution involved with automated safety management,  Data collections and Field reporting –A new idea and option that’s used by over 300 other manufactures like yours and oil and gas companies
    that can —
    — benefit 1
    — benefit 2


    Great instant brush off objection handler

    Hey no problem at all, I’m not sure if there’s a need or fit either at this point…

    I was just wondering though—-  if we could definitely show you a solution … Which is used by over 300 oil and gas and manufactures similar yours… that can
    benefit 1
    — benefit 2
    — benefit 3

    Would you be willing to just give me 120 seconds on the phone here to see if there could be a good fit or some common ground?


    Not a problem at all, I didn’t expect you to be interested since you don’t know enough about this yet… you haven’t even heard any of the killer benefits yet

    What if just supposing we could really show you how you could –_____________

    Would that get your attention what-so-ever ?


    “The Permission / Value Based 120 second Opening Statement”

    Monday, February 2nd, 2015

    Audio Player

    click to hear audio

    I am a BIG believer in asking if its OK to talk with all Decision Makers . I personally feel that we as Outbound sales professionals we are interrupting the targets when we initially ‘Reach Out ‘

    I personally feel it’s respectful and courteous , if they’re busy .. I just say ..”  no problem at all , I’ll circle back later .. “

    Your Top Decision maker is always busy doing something else before you connect with them – They have a million things on their mind , they have no time , and many other options than to listen to you blather on and on about something that they could care about …

    This is a Great opening for 2 reasons

    A) It catches their attention and interest immediately

    B) Gauges their interest in your core message in less than 2 minutes — Gives you an instant ‘GREEN’ Light — Or if there’s ZERO interest .

    Now custom design this for your company ..!!

    Audio Player

    click to hear audio

    Here we are cold calling for the 1st time with the City of Burbank in California . We get through , its the right guy , we build rapport and the deal is worth  $500,000.00 in the next 12 months in pedestrian cross walks … piece of cake.