Posts Tagged ‘sales prospecting’
Cold Calling $ Billion dollar Fast Food franchises selling Mobile Ordering- Remote Ordering Apps.
Monday, November 25th, 2013Click to hear Audio
Click to hear Audio
How to Handle Voice Mail – The controversial ‘Mystery’ approach revised .
Sunday, September 15th, 2013
Here’s how to -Handle Voice Mail –
— 17 – 19 attempted calls / conversations per hour dialed
— over 15 hours of calling –you would be doing about 255 attempted calls / conversations
1) You need to have a big pre-researched List on EXCEL to call into
2) You need to be prepared with your Pitch — I highly recommend that you do your pitch into any type of a recorder or digital recorder so you can hear the
good or bad and then can correct your-self.
Here is a great voice mail
It’s Jeffrey here…. a ..yeah I was on your website researching and collecting some data on what you guys do … and it looks like you’re the resident expert and authority in___________I have a quick question that I think you’re the only one who can answer..( you know being the western regional Sales manager and all.) .. or steer me in the right direction( tip –quote the guys title in the voice mail– Western regional sales it sounds more relevant and important . ) Hey — if you could give a quick call I’d be grateful
Make it a great day
Option 2
It’s Jeffrey here…. a ..yeah I was on your website researching and collecting some data on what you guys do … I believe you’re resident expert in ________ AREA and I was bouncing around your colleagues __name________ and __name_______ and I have a quick question that …. well only you can answer ..
Hey — if you could give a quick call I’d be grateful
My direct # is 6096__
Here’s the $ 5 million dollar Cold Call to the Man .. fluke..
Saturday, October 1st, 2011Click to hear Live cold call
Click here to listen to live cold callÂ
Here is the end to end call with John Acorn , giving my client security and Access Control solutions contract to 21 Hospitals in BC
This is a BIG ONE !!!!!
I’m cold calling and testing the script in front of the owners of a $ 30 million dollar security company — Easily this call is worth $ 5 million to this company over the next  24 months
Here’s the $ 5 Million cold call intro into Interior Health
Friday, September 30th, 2011Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.
Click to hear B2B Live cold call
Here is Murray Warren Bowen Island– I’m in a boardroom with all the owners of a $ 30 Million dollar security company making cold calls with their List , 15 minutes product knowledge and a Telesales call guide I just developed — This account is worth $ 5 million in the next 24 months to this company — I just picked them out of the blue and cold called them and booked a meeting- No brainer