# 1 Key to ‘Crack the code’ to get Meetings with anybody
April 27th, 2013
# 1 key to getting appointments with any
Decision Maker
Murray Warren from Increased-Revenues.com writes –You have to be able to communicate value that they are going to get at the meeting –NOT the value so much of when they buy , or the ownership experience
The prospect has to feel that if they grant you the meeting, that they are going to get more VALUE at this meeting–even if they don’t buy a thing — This is the # 1 KEY to the vault of meetings booked
It’s the perceived VALUE at the meeting – It’s almost like they are going to get all of this great information and value for FREE at the meeting that will solve all of their problems , critical business issues and it won’t cost them a thing …
A Telesales candidate that I’ve been training started with this magic phrase that on Friday Feb 13 2013 got him 5 meetings booked —
Oh yeah , by the way over the last 6 months he has been running a 73% show up ratio, they are all Fortune 500 companies and top decision makers like CTO’s and CIO’s — 73 % of the prospects show up for the web based demo
This is how he did it ;
Anthony wove into his credibility / benefits statement , specific results achieved . NOT general but specific results — GET SPECIFIC — find specific results to share . Then he transitioned into asking for the meeting with this line …
I‘d like to introduce myself and share `some specific strategies & methods used to accomplish these results … if you think of us in the future , down the line that would be great … would you have some time in the next week or two ?
Figure out how you can create the perception of intense value “At the meeting’ and you can increase your meetings booked effortlessly by 200% – 400%
The 70% ‘Call-Back’ Voice Mail technique.
April 27th, 2013Don’t you just love Voice Mail?
Murray Warren from Increased-Revenues.com writes Read these over a few times and customize for your Niche , this will get rid of your Voice Mail jail , and voice mail no call back blues..
The 70% Call-Back Voice Mail Techniques with any decision maker.
Version # 2
” Hi Mr Jones, it’s Murray calling I was on your website doing some research on ( industry / niche they’re in ) and I read that you are going in this direction and have initiatives and objectives such as -( what they want to do- their objectives -stuff their grappling with..) ) And I was told by Name drop ,and Name drop that you would be the resident expert and authority I’m looking for or could steer me in the right direction . I just have a quick question for you and I’d be so grateful if you could help me out –My number is _______ , thanks so much .
I use these all the time in different companies and industries constantly and I get call-backs from almost every company and every industry
It’s almost impossible to get through to a Top Decision maker on the initial call ( or 21 calls ) .You have spent the time to research this target account , the time and effort to call them –Spend 45 more seconds to drop this type of Voice mail — and you will have these high level prospects calling you back
“ How to kick your Inner Sales-Man Awake and put that Bad Boy to work… to Persuade & Influence
December 15th, 2012click here to read news letter
Back to Business Sept 2012 Appointment Setting Tips 2 Aug 5 2012
It’s the New Year 2013 ..still doing things
the old way ..?
Deeply satisfied with your results …?
Here is a January 2013 NEW YEAR Playbook to increase your meetings and appointments by 300%
Read through it and pull 1 or 2 golden nuggest out of this –watch your meetings and INCOME Soar. !!!!
How to handle “I’m not the Decision Maker”
July 30th, 2012Objection – “ I can’t attend the meeting / demo I’m not the decision maker.”
1) That’s not a problem at all, we here this all the time when we initially talk with our new accounts.
2) If I could, let me tell you how we typically work with our new customers.
-When we first call all our new customers our main goal is to discover if they are using a conferencing platform.
-When we find out they are, our goal is to try and find out which platform they are using and how long they have been with them.
3) Since you are experienced in using your existing platform, your opinion and feedback would be fantastic on these new innovative conferencing products that have just come out. We know that you are not the final decision maker on this and we are totally comfortable with that. We wanted to see what resonates with you.
4) And if you see value in this we can supply you with pricing, options and pdfs to fit your firms needs.
And we are just hoping you can take this up the pipeline to your executive team with the recommendation.
5) There is no obligation or commitment at all it is purely an informational call on what is ahead of the curve in hd, video and web solutions to improve your training presentations etc.
High Definition Web and Video Conferencing Appointment Setting
July 27th, 2012Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.
click to hear live audio
Here is a great example of a Competitive account approach ‘cold’ , dealing with the initial push-back , turning it around and booking the meeting
The 70% return ‘Mystery/ Intrigue’ Voice mail Technique.
July 16th, 2012Here is the mystery Voice mail strategy ( try this out and watch 70% of Top Level Decision Makers call you back )
Hi It’s_________ calling , I’m on your web site doing some research and collecting data on ( what they do ) and I have a quick question that I’m told only you can answer… that you’re the resident expert and authority on — could you please give me a call at _________, I’d be so grateful
How to ‘Finally’ Overcome the “Send me Some Information” objection
July 16th, 2012You ned to GRAB the OBJECTION out of your prospects MIND BEFORE they Say IT !!!
If they say the known objection 1st –Then we have to bring this to a neutral basis –If you grab it out 1st …they never say it at all
Block and Counter the “Send me sumthin” line
As soon as you have done a Big Trial Close and they’re open to some new ideas or strategies —then you say ( pre-emptive strike)
That’s awesome…
‘ It sounds like you could be open to some new ideas and strategies in this area ….
It might make sense for us to explore this a little bit further .. So many times VP’s of Marketing/ HR Professionals at this stage say ” Just send some information over ” . AND what we’ve been told and discovered from other VP’s of Marketing/ HR Professionals is that they get about 160 e-mails a day and can barely read all of them, they are super busy with meetings and other duties —Blended with this information is NEW to them and when we just send “generic” not tailor made information to their unique needs , they end up having questions or mis-interpret something —- AND — if were not there to answer any of their questions on ( subject ) it creates a negative perception of what we do and how it can benefit your organization ..and shoots us in the foot.
Hey .. what I’s be willing to do is — We’ve prepared a very tight, concise 10 minute Executive web briefing on our Worlds 1st VIDEO 3.0 — interactive Video technology, customized video content development– allowing the viewer to initiate the interaction with your Brand , that solves the challenge of
” What’s the best way to get our target audience to both see and absorb our marketing messages?”
We will go over ROI, the payback, we can show you a few LIVE examples, I can learn a little more about your situation and see if there could be a good fit now or in the future .If you think there’s value here and can help your organization , then I can put together some options and variations for you —
How does your schedule look for this week or next for 15 minutes ?
if you feel that there’s not a fit at this time , at least you’ll have another resource or contingency back-up plan when apparent needs come up in the future
Hey .. what I’s be willing to do is — We’ve prepared a very tight, concise 10 minute Executive web briefing on our Worlds 1st VIDEO 3.0 — interactive Video technology, customized video content development– allowing the viewer to initiate the interaction with your Brand , that solves the challenge of
” What’s the best way to get our target audience to both see and absorb our marketing messages?”
We will go over ROI, the payback, we can show you a few LIVE examples, I can learn a little more about your situation and see if there could be a good fit now or in the future .If you think there’s value here and can help your organization , then I can put together some options and variations for you —
How does your schedule look for this week or next for 15 minutes ?
if you feel that there’s not a fit at this time , at least you’ll have another resource or contingency back-up plan when apparent needs come up in the future
How to Master the “One-Call” Close up front and Close your Web Demos on the Initial Call
February 21st, 2012OK ..great you have a web demo Booked …awesome — You want to avoid the “Constipated Sales Funnel” . Where prospects ‘Go in” and nothing
comes out
You end up … Sending a Proposal, calling back in 2 weeks and then they go ..”DARK’ , not responding to your e-mails , to your voice mail’s and you feel like you’re chasing them — Uncool , not productive and a total distraction
Say somethingl like this , set the ground rules , show them that you’re a true sales professional . That you’re not an AFC ( Average Frustrated Chump)
Thanks for your time today . I really appreciate it I know that your time is scarce these days . In order for me to do the very best job I possibly can, I need to find out what’s important to you in your business and what you value the most in your business life . I would like to discover your ‘pressing burning issues’, If I can find out what’s important to you then I can build value and a business case to show you how our products can help with your obstacles and barriers that you have
Right now this is purely exploratory, I don’t know if you will be interested in our products and services or this will be a good fit for your company . I don’t want to make any assumptions at this point …What I do know is that initially when we met all of our existing clients such as ________ & ________ & ________ & ____________ , they were all using another method , another in-house solution that they we’re satisfied with .
They liked our presentation and then tried out our products on a business validation trial basis to see if it would work for them . They then found out that our solution can enable them to get the exact match of staff and employees with the same characteristics and attributes of their existing STAR employees , which translated to saving them tons of time doing interviews , screening resumes and lots of money and at the same time reduced their staff turnover significantly
I don’t want to waste your time, since I know you’re really busy . Can we agree that after you view our demo and you feel that my companies solution can solve your problems and it works within your budget then it’s OK for you to say YES and give me a commitment to try this on a sampling / business validation trial basis
On the other hand , if you don’t feel we’re not a good fit , then you can also say NO . Can we agree that you’ll say YES or NO at the end of our demo, not something like “ Send me a proposal “ or I have to think about it “ or Call me back in 2 weeks “ – Would that be OK ?
NOW , at the end of the demo –they will give you a YES or a NORemember you can make money on the No’s, you make money on the YES’s ..but the ‘Maybe’s will drive to the broke-house
How to Cold call and get new Clients in the ‘Local’ Social Media, SEO, Web site Design Niche.
October 1st, 2011Click to hear Live B2B Appointment setting call
This is a fabulous example of building trust and instant rapport with a brand new account over the phone . She is bonding with me , being honest and opening up to me — Listen for the objection , brush-off in the 1st 50 seconds , I just ignore it , then keep politely moving forward–We book an Online demo and the deal is closed on ‘One-Call’ for an ongoing revenue stream of $1,100 per month for ranking on the 1st page of GOOGLE , Social media marketing , Video marketing , List Building and Article marketing — The account is worth $ 13,200 per year and it consisted of 1 cold call, 2/ e-mails and 1 online demo –in a matter of 2 weeks –POOF !!
Here’s the exact Web based demo that we used to get a 34% conversion ratio from demo to Closed deal
click this link to view
Here’s the $ 5 million dollar Cold Call to the Man .. fluke..
October 1st, 2011Click to hear Live cold call
Click here to listen to live cold call
Here is the end to end call with John Acorn , giving my client security and Access Control solutions contract to 21 Hospitals in BC
This is a BIG ONE !!!!!
I’m cold calling and testing the script in front of the owners of a $ 30 million dollar security company — Easily this call is worth $ 5 million to this company over the next 24 months