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    Top 10 best Cold Calling 2.0 Opening Phrases to Command Attention with prospects over the phone…

    Cold calling 2.0 opening phrases

    My company is ___________we work with __niche/ vertical___– and we just recently helped them to __monster benefit______
    — remove problem 1
    — remove problem 2

    And ultimately gain benefit 3 _____________

    And hey I’m not certain of your situation, but if you’re open to some new ideas or options that would _______________

    Would you be flexible for a brisk, informative  10 minute  online Executive Web briefing on the latest breakthrough solutions in ________?

    Right after your opening statement, say this

    Oren Klaff style

    And Mr. Jones… That’s why were in just crazy demand right now and at this point in time I’m really not certain about your exact needs or if there’s a fit or a match for our solution. What I would like to do is ask if you a few quick questions and get a feel of your company and see if there might be a way for you your company to

    — benefit 1

    — and benefit 2

    Right after your opening statement, say this

    ….And John believe me I know a company of your size and Caliber can get this stuff you anywhere and you get a lot of calls like this , and most likely you’re satisfied with what you’re using


    … But we really do things differently with added value benefits of _______ and ________ and ________ .

    And hey I’m not certain if our solution would be a good fit for your company or would apply to your situation, I wanted to ask you 3 quick questions to determine if we might be able to
    — benefit 1
    — benefit 2
    — benefit 3
    For You guys over there
    Right after your opening statement say this

    Get the prospect to tell you why they would good to work with …
    … And by the way at this point this is why we’re getting so much attention activity and business right now from your peer group.  Since I’ve taken some time to show you our big idea I’m wondering if you could give me a few minutes and explain why you guys would be a good company to work with?

    Hey it’s ___________  calling I just got off the phone with Jack ( their colleague)  and he said you were the resident expert in authority in the area of_______?

    I was just hoping to get 40 seconds of your time to explain why I’m calling…
    How much focus or attention do you have on __________?
    If our solution can;

    Great 40 second Intro Opening statement

    — remove problem 1
    — get rid of pain in the butt 2
    — give your company benefits of 3 and 4

    Would I be getting any of your attention whatsoever?

    Does this in general… Interest you at all?

    Would you want more information on this?

    Oh great… Assuming we solve problems and challenges with :
    – problem 1
    – issue 2
    – concern 3

    And deliver the benefits of :
    — benefit 1
    — benefit 2

    Would you be paying any attention to me what-so-ever?

    Awesome… Can you give me another 120 seconds of your time on the phone right now to see if there’s some synergy or common ground?

    ( See how this works so well , 2 steps of customer permission , The customer feels they are in CONTROL of the selling situation , they don’t feel that that they are being manipulated )

    The Richard Dreyfuss Permission 60 second opening

    Hey—— it’s __________ calling I was just on your website researching your company and noticed an awesome press release about some 2015 / 2016 initiatives and objectives that you guys are doing — such as _________ & _________ ..

    …. In the last 12 months we’ve helped over 9 companies accomplish those exact initiatives and goals —  and if you’re open I have some new ideas and options that could help your company accomplish these things easier, 40% – 80% faster and for way less money  ….

    I’m wondering if you’re not too busy if you could give me another 120 seconds on the phone here to see if there could be some synergy or common ground ?

    If you could just give me 120 seconds on the phone here, I promise I’ll
    earn the rest
    ( isn’t that a beautiful line .. )

    “ We’re fine with what we have”

    That’s not a problem at all, probably 90% of all of our clients in the last 20 years when we approached them initially said the exact same thing…

    We don’t mind being second at all….

    This is just an exploratory call and quite honestly I don’t know if there could be a good fit or a good match at this point– It’s not a sales call , I never get it right the first time — I just wanted to ask you 3 quick questions to determine if there could be a fit

    Fantastic Gatekeeper Dracula turn around

    “ Why are you calling, what’s the purpose of your call?”

    To be honest I don’t have all the details, I was told to catch up with your IT expert Chuck, something to do with challenges with problem 1 &  problem 2 …

    I was just calling to see what the problem is…  if any and see what we can do to help, hey could you put me through to Charles thanks

    Great 60 second opening leveraging internal credible referrals gathered ;

    Oh hi I was just speaking with – Jackie on how we’ve helped, ABC Co & DEF Co, reduce, avoid, increase, and he mentioned that I should give you a call to get your feedback and opinion on this

    ….. Hi Mr. Jones it’s ________ with, we recently helped ABC Co. and DEF Co avoid huge monster problem, while at the same time get desired benefit /  results 300% faster, and wanted to see if this might be something you would possibly be interested in knowing a little bit more about as well ?

    I’m wondering if you’re not too busy if you could give me another 120 seconds on the phone here to see if there could be some synergy or common ground ?

    Fabulous 30 Second introductory style

    Hi Mr. Jones, could I share with you a solution involved with automated safety management,  Data collections and Field reporting –A new idea and option that’s used by over 300 other manufactures like yours and oil and gas companies
    that can —
    — benefit 1
    — benefit 2


    Great instant brush off objection handler

    Hey no problem at all, I’m not sure if there’s a need or fit either at this point…

    I was just wondering though—-  if we could definitely show you a solution … Which is used by over 300 oil and gas and manufactures similar yours… that can
    benefit 1
    — benefit 2
    — benefit 3

    Would you be willing to just give me 120 seconds on the phone here to see if there could be a good fit or some common ground?


    Not a problem at all, I didn’t expect you to be interested since you don’t know enough about this yet… you haven’t even heard any of the killer benefits yet

    What if just supposing we could really show you how you could –_____________

    Would that get your attention what-so-ever ?


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